
Stent Placement

offered in Sierra Vista, AZ

Stent Placement services offered in Sierra Vista, AZ

If you have a section of artery that’s clogged, stent placement offers a way to improve blood flow and prevent serious negative outcomes. One of many procedures available from Vinay Sanghi, MD, of Heart and Vascular Associates, LLC, in Sierra Vista, Arizona, stent placement is a relatively simple way to strengthen your heart health. Booking a visit is as easy as a phone call or a few moments online.

Stent Placement Q & A

What is stent placement?

A stent is a small section of expandable metal mesh. Stents are designed to be inserted within clogged arteries to provide additional support to a damaged blood vessel to prevent it from closing in the future. 

Once a stent is surgically positioned, your body begins to slowly build tissue around the device, creating a skin-like layer. Some stents are impregnated with medications that prevent scar tissue from forming on the interior section of the stent, which helps keep the blood vessel as open as possible. 

How does angioplasty help with stent placement?

Angioplasty is a surgical procedure that uses a medical balloon to widen clogged areas of arteries. An IV ensures your team can administer sedatives, other medications, and hydration throughout the procedure. 

An electrocardiogram gathers and records the electrical activity within your heart as your practitioner creates a small opening in your skin and inserts a catheter. X-ray imaging and contrast dye give your cardiologist insight into precisely where blockages are and how the catheter travels through your blood vessels. 

Once in the proper position, a small medical balloon inflates, putting gentle pressure on the arterial walls. Angioplasty can help open blood vessels by compressing accumulated plaque, or it can play a role in stent placement. 

If you’re having a stent placed, the stent is guided into position before the medical balloon inflates, which opens the stent and widens that area of the artery. 

What is the recovery process like after stent placement?

Expect your incision site to feel sore for a few days after your stent placement. While you won’t be able to engage in strenuous activity for a while, short, easy walks are encouraged in the days after your procedure. 

It takes up to eight weeks to fully recover after stent placement. During that time, pay close attention to any changes you notice, and let your cardiologist know if you experience unusual pain, swelling, chest pain, or shortness of breath. 

If you’re ready to explore stent placement in greater detail, call Heart and Vascular Associates today to schedule a visit. Online booking is also an option and takes just moments to complete.

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Each of our services employs the latest medical technology to provide comprehensive treatment close to home. We have created efficient office systems that reduce the wait time between receiving results and speaking with your personal care provider. Our team is ready to serve you with these specialties.